Monday, June 9, 2008

Maya-isms Volume 1

Maya is almost 3 years old (34 months on June 12th to be exact). Her vocabulary has exploded this past month! I need to keep track of all the funny, adorable and cute things she's been saying so I can tell her when she's older.

"It's like a dream come true," Maya said after seeing Mommy pull out her 10-year old wedding gown (it was very princess-y and most likely reminded her of Cinderella - hence the movie quote response).

"Good job Mommy" - her response when I finished coloring a page from one of her coloring books. We were coloring books together today (Monday June 9, 2008).

"I like my Mommy" - she looked up to me from coloring her books and smiled as she said this. Awwwww. Who wants to go back to work after hearing this? :-) It's the best affirmation a mommy can get (in addition to I love my mommy - which I hear a lot as well!).

"Anything else?" - after Lola gave her multiple instructions to find her crayons. I don't think she was giving Lola some attitude so we thought it was pretty funny. I must say "Anything else" a lot - I mean, where else would she hear it? Maybe preschool.

"Look at all these (fill in the blank)" - could be cars, doors, sunscreen, stuff, etc etc. Said with a lot of excitement and a rise in volume of her voice :-)

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